Port Eternity

Time travel, fantasy and alternate history are themes that capture and hold some very loyal readers. Older fans may need or just prefer Large Print; younger fans are often encouraged to read by Large Print.This series offers selections from current and bestselling authors as well as perennial favorites and true classics of the genre.Their names were Lancelot, Elaine, Percivale, Gawain, Modred, Lynette, and Vivien, but they were not characters from legend. They were made people: clone servants designed to suit the fancy of their opulent owner, the Lady Dela Kirn. And they worked aboard the Maid, an anachronistic fantasy of a spaceship, decorated with swords, heraldic banners, and lamps that mimicked live flame. They lived in a kind of dream -- until a wandering instability, a knot in time, a ripple in the between sucked them into a spatial no-man's-land with no apparent escape. And there they were left alone . . .