The Offering

Protectorate Maj. Eve Cartwright has just received the worst assignment of her military career--pose as an Ankharan nitara, a submissive sex slave, in order to seduce and capture rebel leader Michael Taggart. Not only do her superiors expect her to whore herself to achieve her goal, but they seem to be taking a perverse pleasure in the very idea of it. General Mokollik in particular sees this assignment as a way to take Eve down a peg or two. Eve, though, has her own agenda, one that will put her and Taggart in very close contact, but that might not result in exactly what the Protectorate had in mind. Because if posing as a sex slave makes Eve uncomfortable, it's nothing compared to how uncomfortable it is to realize she loves submitting to her make-believe master.
Note: This is a re-edited, revised version of one that was released by another publisher.
Note: This is a re-edited, revised version of one that was released by another publisher.