Mankzin Wars 5

ManKzin Wars 5
The time-honored tradition of the ultra-successful Man-Kzin Wars saga continues with the fifth exciting book in the series, two fine short novels in a single volume. In the Hall of the Mountain King by Jerry Pournelle and Steve Stirling and Hey Diddle Diddle by Thomas T. Thomas both tell of humans and Kzini teaming up for adventure in the calm between the wars.
Bruno was the most stable linker, but linkers always went catatonic after a certain amount of time connected to high level computers. Bruno knew intellectually that he had to minimize link time. But with the link he was so much more--he could see all. He could extract all possible effectiveness from his ship and maybe save himself and his love from a horrible fate. Original.
Bruno was the most stable linker, but linkers always went catatonic after a certain amount of time connected to high level computers. Bruno knew intellectually that he had to minimize link time. But with the link he was so much more--he could see all. He could extract all possible effectiveness from his ship and maybe save himself and his love from a horrible fate. Original.