Lord Of Falcon Ridge

Cleve of Lord of Raven's Peak and Chessa of Lord of Hawkfell Island first meet when Chessa is the princess of Ireland and Cleve has no memory of the time before he was a slave. When vivid dreams kindle memories of his native Scotland, Cleve's goal becomes to return to Loch Ness to claim his inheritance.
But first, there is Chessa to be rescued and handed over to her rightful groom. When Cleve arrives at Hawkfell Islnad, he learns that Chessa not only refuses to marry Ragnor of York, she won't consider William of Normandy either. She wants to marry him! Her strategies to bring this about anticipate Machiavelli by 600 years.
Chessa and Cleve may be bullheaded, but they're no match for Ragnor of York, who will have you laughing at his abominable antics.