Glorious Angel

Though the sultry Alabama hellion was chased by every boy in town, she was a dirt-farmer's daughter--and could only dream of being loved by Bradford Maitland, heir to magnificent Golden Oaks.
But Angela Sherrington became a young lady, sent to a Yankee finishing school by Bradford's father. So much was she changed since Bradford last saw her, that when chance brought them together--in the satin boudoir of a bordello--he didn't recognize the violet-eyed angel he fell madly in love with.
From the first time she gave herself to him, Bradford Maitland vowed to keep his precious angel always...until cruel misunderstandings scorched their destiny with flames of bitter fury. Tormented by hateful gossip and a scandalous family secret, Angela was forced to run from the man she lived for.
Yet they could never endure apart. And though their desires might consume them, they would dare any harm or hurt for the ecstatic passion they found in each other's love!