Georgia On My Mind

Sheffield, a physicist, proves to be one of the most imaginative, exciting talents to appear on the SF scene in recent years.-Publishers Weekly
A collection of some of the finest short stories penned by a master of hard science fiction, this anthology includes Charles Sheffield's highly acclaimed novelette, Georgia On My Mind.
Georgia On My Mind won both the Hugo and Nebula when originally published in 1993. The accompanying stories were written by the author between 1987 and 1994.
Sheffield, a physicist, proves to be one of the most imaginative, exciting talents to appear on the SF scene in recent years.-Publishers Weekly
A collection of some of the finest short stories penned by a master of hard science fiction, this anthology includes Charles Sheffield's highly acclaimed novelette, Georgia On My Mind.
Georgia On My Mind won both the Hugo and Nebula when originally published in 1993. The accompanying stories were written by the author between 1987 and 1994.