Freedom's Challenge

Freedom 3
Kris Bjornsen has come a long way since alien slave ships scooped her up in Denver with thousands of others. Dropped off on an apparently uninhabited world with the rest, she has fallen in love with Zainal, a renegade Catteni, and made a comfortable life for herself and her new family. But she feels a soldier's duty to escape Botany and rejoin the struggle for freedom.
As the Eosi overlords continue to drop captives on Botany, the colonists learn that there are freedom fighters on every captured world, and Earth is full of pockets of resistance. There are even rebels among the warlike Catteni. Now the colonists have the technology they need to go back to war with the deadly Eosi - with a surprise strike at the enslaved planet Earth itself!
At last--an all new epic Anne McCaffrey novel set in a brave new world. Kristin Bjorsen is a human slave to the overlords called Catteni, who have made the races of many planets bend to their will. But now Kristin has become part of a tremendous alien experiment--one that gives her back her freedom, though not in a way she might have chosen.
As the Eosi overlords continue to drop captives on Botany, the colonists learn that there are freedom fighters on every captured world, and Earth is full of pockets of resistance. There are even rebels among the warlike Catteni. Now the colonists have the technology they need to go back to war with the deadly Eosi - with a surprise strike at the enslaved planet Earth itself!
At last--an all new epic Anne McCaffrey novel set in a brave new world. Kristin Bjorsen is a human slave to the overlords called Catteni, who have made the races of many planets bend to their will. But now Kristin has become part of a tremendous alien experiment--one that gives her back her freedom, though not in a way she might have chosen.