Forge Of The Titans

When Derek Secrest was suddenly pulled out of the Naval Academy to take part in a top secret government project involving telepathy-because tests showed that he had a strong latent talent for psi powers-he thought things couldn't get more weird. He was wrong. Soon he was contacted by a mysterious woman who could open portals at will through spacetime. Her powers seemed godlike, and they were. Millennia ago, extra-dimensional beings with great powers had come to earth and taken on human form, to be later remembered in legends as gods and goddesses-and titans, the ancient enemies of the gods. The godlike beings had driven off the titans, but now they are returning, with a new plan to use humans with psionic abilities to rule the Earth, and not be driven from it this time. And the titans always did have a fondness for human sacrifice and other anti-social activities. Unless Derek and a handful of other telepaths can join forces with the ancient gods to defeat the titans, the world will be plunged into a new dark age of terror and death. But, judging from mythology, just how much can you really trust a god. . .?