Fall Of The White Ship Avatar

In this, Daley's third installment of the Adventures of Hobart Floyt and Alacrity Fitzhugh (following Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds and Jinx on a Terran Inheritance), we go beyond the scope of the original books into the past of Alacrity Fitzhugh--including his real name, his Captain's Sidearm, and his obsession with the Precursors, an uber-race that has disappeared from the Cosmos--but not before leaving tantalizing technological clues. Much of the story takes place on an inhospitable planet as Floyt, Fitzhugh, and a female companion fight nature to reach an important meeting for the eponymous White Ship of the title. Enjoyable--but it leaves some unanswered questions, which, alas, will now remain that way with Daley's passing.