Charity Child

Charity thought herself fortunate when she was whisked away from a dreary job to be companion to "Astrea", who had once been a famous singer and who now lived in a dream-world of highly coloured memories and astrological forecasts, guiding her life by what she took to be the advice of the stars.
Surely one could never have a dull moment in such a household?
But there was a unluckily snag, in the person of Astrea's nephew, Marc Gentle - inappropriately named, it seemed, for he could be uncommonly harsh on occasion. Charity was shown the whiplash side of his nature from the beginning, for he suspected her of being out for all she could get from his rich and impulsive aunt, and he made no bones about saying so.
This is the story of how Charity overcame his mistrust.
Surely one could never have a dull moment in such a household?
But there was a unluckily snag, in the person of Astrea's nephew, Marc Gentle - inappropriately named, it seemed, for he could be uncommonly harsh on occasion. Charity was shown the whiplash side of his nature from the beginning, for he suspected her of being out for all she could get from his rich and impulsive aunt, and he made no bones about saying so.
This is the story of how Charity overcame his mistrust.