Book Of Dreams

There is a dark king who rules our dreams from a place of shadows and fantastic things. He is Morpheus, the lord of story. Older than humankind itself, he inhabits , along with Destiny, Death, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium, his Endless sisters and brothers , the realm of human consciousness. His powers are myth and nightmare , inspirations, pleasures, and punishments manifested beneath the blanketing mist of sleep.
Surrender to him now.
A stunning collection of visions, wonders, horrors, hallucinations, and revelations from Clive Barker, Barbara Hambly, Tad Williams, Gene Wolfe, Nancy A. Collins, and sixteen other incomparable dreamers , inspired by the groundbreaking, bestselling graphic novel phenomenon by Neil Gaiman.
The most successful, most imitated, and most honored adult comic of all time, The Sandman features moody, twisted tales that have made Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming, an icon recognized across the globe. This long-awaited anthology features works by such luminaries as Clive Barker, Nancy A. Collins, Gene Wolf, and many others. 304 pp. National ads & publicity.
Surrender to him now.
A stunning collection of visions, wonders, horrors, hallucinations, and revelations from Clive Barker, Barbara Hambly, Tad Williams, Gene Wolfe, Nancy A. Collins, and sixteen other incomparable dreamers , inspired by the groundbreaking, bestselling graphic novel phenomenon by Neil Gaiman.
The most successful, most imitated, and most honored adult comic of all time, The Sandman features moody, twisted tales that have made Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming, an icon recognized across the globe. This long-awaited anthology features works by such luminaries as Clive Barker, Nancy A. Collins, Gene Wolf, and many others. 304 pp. National ads & publicity.