Be My Baby Tonight

...And Baby Makes Three?
It seemed like a great idea at the time. Jetting off to Las Vegas to marry All-Star Phillies catcher Tim Trehan, the high-school crush she couldn't forget, was hands-down the most spontaneous thing Suzanna Trent had ever done. Just three short months later, however, reality has set in...and the romance is kaput. Getting hitched on the fly to a guy who's barely in town long enough to unpack his suitcase was a big mistake. Yet what should have been a clean break with a quickie divorce soon gets messier. Kittens--the illegitimate offspring of their two cats, and babies--the legitimate one Suzanna's carrying--have complicated things. Before long, Suzanna's entered a whole new world of cravings and expanding waistlines--even as Tim realizes he's never found her more attractive. But for her baby's sake, Suzanna doesn't intend to strike out in love again. If Tim's serious about recapturing her heart, he'd better be prepared to bat a thousand....