Aphrodite's Flame

Since his father was the world's most super villain, Mordi was used to being bad. He'd helped his sire in countless plots, and only recently freed himself from the man's evil influence. But now his father was turning over a new leaf, joining the good guys, just as Mordi met the woman of his dreams. How lucky was that?
Bad boys!? Isole wasn't used to them. At least not in this way. Usually, she'd freeze 'em cold, but this time it was hard enough just keeping her cool. For years she'd been a Protector, a superheroine, but a dark presence was trying to sway her allegiance. Worse, the best thing in her life since her first propulsion cloak was Mordi: a dark-haired hunk whose sweet green eyes belied a past and a pedigree of evil. He was gorgeous, and someone she could love. He made her burn with desire, and nothing she did could put out the flames.