
It is time to cull the Offspring, to take those who are not meant to be hunters from those who will follow the rules. They will separate those who don't cause havoc and trouble from those who are not up to being true vampires, and who cannot survive without causing the rest problems. It is a time when all the young ones are called to gather, and it is now the task of the Kindred Hunters. This culling, destroying those who cannot possibly survive is a necessity to keep the ranks strong, but Troy knows there are some who should never have been made to begin with, and some vampire masters who should, in truth, be culled. Aphrodite is one of the latter, for she has been responsible for the most rogues, and the most unsuited of the Offspring. Yet where Troy is concerned, there is one of Aphrodite's Offspring who might make the grade, if given a true chance at the life. There is one who holds his interest, and his attraction...
Bethany is unsure of what is going on, but she can sense the danger around her. She is revolted by the nature of the party going on in this place, and she is revolted by the cavorting being done by the others around her. It is as if they are reveling in the death, destruction, and the blood of the human's sacrificed on their behalf. If these creatures are a model of what vampiric life is supposed to be, Bethany hopes her end will come quickly. She has spent her short life as a vampire being threatened and tortured by Aphrodite, her master and maker, and she is about to break free. If it wasn't for the trheats made by her master, Bethany would not hav come tonight. Now, the way things are going, she might be better of in true death. The only thing saving the night is the Kindred named Troy. For some reason he has taken note of her, and if she can enlist his help, she may be able to escape...